The Voorheesville Dionysians present – Hello, Dolly!

This March, the Voorheesville Dionysians present Hello, Dolly!— the spirited musical story of socialite turned matchmaker, Dolly Levi, who falls for one of her clients in her search for true love. Hello, Dolly! has become one of the most enduring musical theater hits, with four Broadway revivals, a movie adaptation  and international success. The show …

High School Students Immerse Themselves in Elementary Teaching

The scent of crayons and markers filled the air as a group of Clayton A. Bouton students immersed themselves in elementary school classrooms to learn about careers in education. The students, who have an interest in becoming teachers, were recently given the opportunity to shadow educators for several hours. “You get to see what the …

Students Build Relationships through Blackbird Buddy Groups

Blackbird Buddy groups, which meet regularly throughout the school year, offer young learners the chance to make friends and develop their capacity for kindness, compassion, understanding and care.  Blackbird Buddy activities begin with a school-wide assembly, often with students singing the Alma Mater and other songs related to school-wide efforts to build positive relationships, including …

Voorheesville Junior Learns Crime-Solving Skills

Juniors in the Criminal Justice program at the Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical Education (CTE) Center recently dusted up on their criminal justice knowledge – literally. Students in Darin Jones’ program on the Schoharie Campus recently practiced an integral part of crime solving – dusting for, and collecting, fingerprints. Among the students is Rayah …

Clayton A. Bouton 1st Quarter Honor Roll Announced

Congratulations to Clayton A. Bouton High School students who made honor rolls for the first quarter of the 2024-25 school year. HONOR ROLL/HIGH HONOR ROLL Honor Roll/High Honor Roll is determined by quarterly averages. A student on Honor Roll has achieved an average of 85.00 or higher in the quarter. A student on High Honor …

Winter Ahead: School Closing and Delay Notifications

As the snowy months approach, the Voorheesville Central School District reminds parents and guardians how they will receive notice if school will be operating under a delay or will be closed due to inclement weather.  The district will contact you through SchoolMessenger if there are any changes in the daily school schedule. Information will also …

1st Quarter Honor Roll

Congratulations to Voorheesville Middle School students who made honor roll for the first quarter of the 2024-25 school year. Students earned spots on the high honor roll list by maintaining an 89.5 average or better in their course work during the second quarter marking period. Students who earned spots on the honor roll maintained an …

Ensuring Safety and Security at VCSD

A message from Superintendent Frank Macri: Dear Voorheesville School Community, The Voorheesville Central School District is aware of discussions taking place on social media regarding a purported threat alleged to have been made by a student on November 13.  As with any such report, the district promptly undertook a full and thorough investigation, including working …

VCSD Board of Education on Board Member’s Social Media Comments

The Board of Education at Voorheesville Central School District has received feedback from members of the community regarding recent statements made by a member of the school board on their personal social media account. It’s important to note that the views expressed are those of the individual and not the official views of the district. …

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