Let’s face it, many of us could use a more balanced approach to the amount of time we spend on technological devices.   The internationally celebrated Screen-Free Week starts on Monday, May 2. The idea is to help children build healthy relationships with technology and spend more time exploring other interests with family and friends. The …

VCSD at The NYSSMA Music Solo Festival

Congratulations to our Middle School and High School students who participated in the NYS School Music Association’s Instrumental/Vocal Solo Festival at Schalmont High School. Students who participated each prepared and performed an instrumental or vocal solo for adjudication. A few students even performed multiple solos! Congratulations to all of these student musicians for their hard work and effort …

VMS Quarter 3 Honor Roll

Congratulations Third Quarter Honor Roll Students! (April 14, 2022) Congratulations to Voorheesville Middle School students who made honor roll for the third quarter of the 2021-22 school year. Students earned spots on the high honor roll list by maintaining an 89.5 average or better in their course work during the third quarter marking period. Students …

Mr. Murray

The Bugler Junior written by Henry Seymour Mr. Murray is one of the teachers that have been here at Voorheesville the longest.   He is an amazing hard-working teacher. He very much enjoys his classes. I personally believe that knowing about such a great teacher will help students appreciate school and their teachers to the point …

Survey to Reflect on School Experiences Opens April 11

Your input will help the district meet the needs of our students, families, faculty and staff. The School Climate Survey is developed by the US Department of Education as a tool for states, districts, and schools as a common, reliable, and nationally-validated measure of school climate. Participation is completely voluntary and strictly confidential; no personally …

Accepting Applications For UPK 2022-2023

The Voorheesville Central School District is once again partnering with Serendipity Day Care Center LLC for our UPK program for children who will be four years of age on or before December 1, 2022. We expect to begin the program on Tuesday, September 6. Applications must be received no later than Monday, May 2. Placements are …

Aid for Ukraine: They Want to Help

As the conflict intensifies in Ukraine and much of the world is frozen in horror, empathetic VCSD students have been coordinating humanitarian efforts. Three sisters from Voorheesville Middle School contacted school administration with a plan. Addie, Ellie and Riley Chismark quickly organized and collected donations for medical needs, toiletries, baby supplies and other essentials. All …

Preview of VES Play and How to Purchase Tickets for Annie KIDS

  Last Sunday, nine of Voorheesville’s fifth grade students entertained the residents at Summit on Mill Hill with a selection of songs from their upcoming production of Annie KIDS. Summit on Mill Hill is a retirement community in Guilderland. What a thrill for our students to give a little of themselves to such a deserving …

Curious Minds and Science Projects

Voorheesville Elementary School students had fun discovering and uncovering the true nature of science. This year, the PTA was happy to welcome families back in person for the VES Science Fair. The creativity, effort, and enthusiasm for the event was energizing.  More than 140 student scientists from kindergarten through 5th grade participated! Each student talked …

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