VCSD Job Fair This Wednesday

We are actively recruiting candidates for a variety of positions that are immediately open.   VCSD Job Fair, at two different locations and times, on Wednesday, February 2. 9:00 – 10:30 AM, at St. Matthew’s Church, 25 Mountainview St. 6:30 – 7:30 PM, at the Elementary School Gym on Maple Ave.  Our two Job Fairs on …

VCSD Job Fair on February 2

Dear VCSD Families,  Voorheesville Central School District is hiring and we hope you can help us spread the word! We will be welcoming candidates to our Job Fair, on Wednesday, February 2.  In the morning, from 9:00 – 10:30, our administration will be available to meet with job seekers at St. Matthew’s Church, 25 Mountainview …

STEAM Class Harnesses Energy of a Mousetrap to Power a Car

Using mostly household materials and hot glue, 7th grade students in Mr. Iannotti’s STEAM class were challenged with building a mousetrap car. This project lasts about two weeks, starting with research and a design on paper. Part of each car uses a real mousetrap. The spring on the trap transfers energy to the axle of …

December 2021 Principal’s Reception

Thank you to the middle school students who have exhibited outstanding citizenship, behavior, and work ethic. For this you have earned the Principal’s Reception. This honor is granted to five students per grade three times a year. Students received a letter, certificate, medal, pencil, and slip for a free hot chocolate. Congratulations and keep up …

MS Quarter 1 Honor Roll

Congratulations First Quarter Honor Roll Students! (November 18, 2021) Congratulations to Voorheesville Middle School students who made honor roll for the first quarter of the 2020-21 school year. Students earned spots on the high honor roll list by maintaining an 89.5 average or better in their course work during the first quarter marking period. Students who earned …

Graduation Measures Initiative

Join education leaders in a review of graduation to ensure educational excellence and equity  The New York State Education Department (NYSED) is seeking your input as they review the state’s high school graduation requirements. You are invited and encouraged to attend a virtual forum to provide feedback on Tuesday, December 7, from 2:00-4:30 PM.  The …

BOE Uses Community Data to Advance New Goals

The Board of Education and district have been embarking on a new strategic plan to empower all students to have access to the most meaningful learning opportunities. Partnering with the New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA) and the Capital Area School Development Association (CASDA), Voorheesville Central Schools is progressing to enact new programs and …

Turkey Food Drive Sponsored by MS Student Council

The MS Student Council is holding their annual Turkey Food Drive to benefit the Town of New Scotland Food Pantry.  The food drive will run from Monday, November 15th through Friday, November 19th.  Collection boxes will be placed in front of first period classrooms and the classroom that collects the most individual items will earn …

Igor is Missing, an Interdisciplinary Forensic Mystery

Seventh graders were asked to solve a mystery throughout many classes over a two day period. The interdisciplinary activity had students using crime scene investigation techniques to track down a missing person. The crime scene was set in an area for Igor’s Halloween Festival. Igor was missing and so were all of the supplies for …

Students Raise Hundreds of Dollars for Breast Cancer

In an effort to raise awareness and money for breast cancer, the Middle School Student Council did a change collection fundraiser and in just one week raised $165.16! The fundraiser was connected to the “Real Kids Wear Pink” activity the student council coordinated last month. The Voorheesville Teachers Association will match that amount for their …

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